Snapchat Conversions API (Actions)

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

The Snapchat Conversions API destination is a server-to-server integration with the Snapchat Conversions API that allows advertisers to pass web, app, and offline events from Segment directly to Snap. Data shared through the Snapchat Conversions API is processed similarly to events passed through the Snap Pixel or App Ads Kit (SDK). By passing events, advertisers can access post-view and post-swipe campaign reporting to measure performance and incrementality. Depending on the data shared and timeliness of integration, it’s also possible to use events passed through the Conversions API for solutions such as custom audience targeting, campaign optimization, Dynamic Ads, and more.

Benefits of the Snapchat Conversions API

The Snapchat Conversions API destination provides the following benefits:

  • Clear mapping of data. Actions-based destinations enable you to define the mapping between the data Segment receives from your source and the data Segment sends to Snap.
  • Prebuilt mappings. Mappings for Snap event types, like PURCHASE and ADD_CART, are prebuilt with the prescribed parameters and available for customization.
  • Streamlined stability and security. Integrate and iterate without client-side limitations, like network connectivity or ad blocker issues.
  • Privacy-focused. Support compliance with rapidly evolving requirements with automatic PII hashing and flexible controls that let you adapt what data you share.
  • Data normalization. Data is normalized before it is hashed to ensure the hashed value matches across sources and is in line with Snap data requirements.
  • Maximum event measurement. Capture more events with improved accuracy across different browsers, apps, and devices to get a unified view of your customer’s journey from page view to purchase.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then click Destinations.
  2. Search for “Snapchat Conversions API” in the Destinations Catalog, and select the destination.
  3. Click Configure Snapchat Conversions API in the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. Select the source that will send data to Snapchat Conversions API and follow the steps to name your destination.
  5. On the Settings tab, authenticate with Snap using OAuth. Click Connect to Snapchat Conversions API. Follow the prompts to authenticate using OAuth, with a Snapchat login that is a member of the Snapchat Ads account you want to connect.
  6. Add your Snap Pixel ID if you plan to send web or offline events. If you plan to send app events, add your Snap App ID and App ID.
  7. Enable the destination and click Save.
  8. Follow the steps in the Destinations Actions documentation on Customizing mappings.

To send events to Snap, you must add a Pixel ID for web and offline conversions or a Snap App ID and App ID for mobile conversions. If missing, events will fail.

Destination Settings

Setting Description
App ID

The unique ID assigned for a given application. It should be numeric for iOS, and the human interpretable string for Android. Required for app events.

Pixel ID

The Pixel ID for your Snapchat Ad Account. Required for web and offline events.

Snap App ID

The Snap App ID associated with your app. This is a unique code generated in Snapchat Ads Manager and included in your MMP dashboard. Required for app events.

Available Presets

Snapchat Conversions API has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Purchase Event event = "Order Completed"
Report Conversion Event
Sign Up Event event = "Signed Up"
Report Conversion Event
Add Billing Event event = "Payment Info Entered"
Report Conversion Event
App Open Event event = "Application Opened"
Report Conversion Event
Share Event event = "Product Shared"
Report Conversion Event
Login Event event = "Signed In"
Report Conversion Event
Page View Event type = "page"
Report Conversion Event
List View Event event = "Product List Viewed"
Report Conversion Event
Add to Cart Event event = "Product Added"
Report Conversion Event
Search Event event = "Products Searched"
Report Conversion Event
Snap Browser Plugin Event type = "track"
Event type = "identify"
Event type = "group"
Event type = "page"
Event type = "alias"
Snap Browser Plugin
View Content Event event = "Product Viewed"
Report Conversion Event
Add to Wishlist Event event = "Product Added to Wishlist"
Report Conversion Event
Start Checkout Event event = "Checkout Started"
Report Conversion Event
App Install Event event = "Application Installed"
Report Conversion Event

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Snapchat Conversions API-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Report Conversion Event

Report events directly to Snapchat. Data shared can power Snap solutions such as custom audience targeting, campaign optimization, Dynamic Ads, and more.

Report Conversion Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name Type: STRING

The conversion event type. For custom events, you must use one of the predefined event types (i.e. CUSTOM_EVENT_1). Please refer to the possible event types in Snapchat Marketing API docs.

Event ID Type: STRING

If you are reporting events via more than one method (Snap Pixel, App Ads Kit, Conversions API) you should use the same event_id across all methods. Please refer to the Snapchat Marketing API docs for information on how this field is used for deduplication against Snap Pixel SDK and App Adds Kit events.

Event Timestamp Type: STRING

The Epoch timestamp for when the conversion happened. The timestamp cannot be more than 7 days in the past.

Action Source Type: STRING

This field allows you to specify where your conversions occurred.

User Data Type: OBJECT

These parameters are a set of identifiers Snapchat can use for targeted attribution. You must provide at least one of the following parameters in your request.

App Data Type: OBJECT

These fields support sending app events to Snapchat through the Conversions API.

Custom Data Type: OBJECT

The custom data object can be used to pass custom properties.

Data Processing Options Type: BOOLEAN

The Data Processing Options to send to Snapchat. If set to true, Segment will send an array to Snapchat indicating events should be processed with Limited Data Use (LDU) restrictions.

Data Processing Country Type: NUMBER

A country that you want to associate to the Data Processing Options. Accepted values are 1, for the United States of America, or 0, to request that Snapchat geolocates the event using IP address. This is required if Data Processing Options is set to true. If nothing is provided, Segment will send 0.

Data Processing State Type: NUMBER

A state that you want to associate to the Data Processing Options. Accepted values are 1000, for California, or 0, to request that Snapchat geolocates the event using IP address. This is required if Data Processing Options is set to true. If nothing is provided, Segment will send 0.

Event Source URL Type: STRING

The URL of the web page where the event took place.

Products Type: OBJECT

Use this field to send details of mulitple products / items. This field overrides individual ‘Item ID’, ‘Item Category’ and ‘Brand’ fields. Note: total purchase value is tracked using the ‘Price’ field

[Deprecated] Brand Type: STRING

[Deprecated] Use Products field.

[Deprecated] Click ID Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data sc_click_id field.

[Deprecated] Client Deduplication ID Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Event ID field.

[Deprecated] Currency Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Custom Data currency field.

[Deprecated] Description Type: STRING

Deprecated. No longer supported.

[Deprecated] Device Model Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use App Data deviceName field.

[Deprecated] Email Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data email field.

[Deprecated] Event Conversion Type Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Action Source field.

[Deprecated] Event Tag Type: STRING

Deprecated. No longer supported.

[Deprecated] Event Type Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Event Name field.

[Deprecated] Identifier for Vendor Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data idfv field.

[Deprecated] IP Address Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data client_ip_address field.

[Deprecated] Item Category Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use products field.

[Deprecated] Item ID Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use products field.

[Deprecated] Level Type: STRING

Deprecated. No longer supported.

[Deprecated] Mobile Ad Identifier Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data madid field.

[Deprecated] Number of Items Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Custom Data num_items field.

[Deprecated] OS Version Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use App Data version field.

[Deprecated] Page URL Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Event Source URL field.

[Deprecated] Phone Number Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data phone field.

[Deprecated] Price Type: NUMBER

Deprecated. Use Custom Data value field.

[Deprecated] Search String Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Custom Data search_string field.

[Deprecated] Sign Up Method Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Custom Data sign_up_method field.

[Deprecated] Event Timestamp Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Event Timestamp field.

[Deprecated] Transaction ID Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use Custom Data order_id field.

[Deprecated] User Agent Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data client_user_agent field.

[Deprecated] uuid_c1 Cookie Type: STRING

Deprecated. Use User Data sc_cookie1 field.

Snap Browser Plugin

Enriches all Segment payloads with Snap click_id Querystring and _scid Cookie values

Snap Browser Plugin is a Web action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" or type = "identify" or type = "page" or type = "group" or type = "alias"

This action does not have any fields.

By default, all mappings are sent as WEB conversions. If you want to send events as mobile or offline conversions, update the Event Conversion Type in each mapping to be MOBILE_APP or OFFLINE.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Invalid token error

If you’re experiencing 400 Bad Requests errors related to an invalid token, follow these instructions to reauthorize your account:

  • On the Settings tab, authenticate with Snap using OAuth.
  • Click Connect to Snapchat Conversions API.
  • Follow the prompts to authenticate using OAuth with a Snapchat login. Use a Snapchat login that is a member of the Snapchat Ads account you want to connect.

Deduplication with the Snap Pixel or App Ads Kit (SDK)

There are many ways to send conversion data to Snap, including through the Snap Pixel, App Ads Kit or Conversions API. Snap recommends sending redundant data across sources to ensure the best optimization, targeting, and measurement capabilities. The Client Deduplication ID, Transaction ID, and Mobile Ad Identifier are used by Snap to deduplicate events across sources. Please see below for guidance on when to use each field for deduplication.

  • Web: Snap Conversions API and PixeI
    • Use the Client Deduplication ID for unique events
    • Use Transaction ID and Price for PURCHASE events
  • Mobile: Any combination of Snap Conversions API, MMP, or App Ads Kit
    • Use a Mobile Ad Identifier
    • Use Transaction ID for PURCHASE events
  • Offline: Snap Conversions API and UI Upload
    • Use the Client Deduplication ID for unique events
    • Use Transaction ID and Price for PURCHASE events

The Client Deduplication ID allows for a 48-hour deduplication window. The Transaction ID is only eligible for PURCHASE events and allows for a 30-day deduplication window. See Snapchat’s Marketing API documentation and Business Help Center for more information.

Segment does not have client-side destinations for the Snap Pixel or Snap App Ads Kit (SDK). If you choose to integrate client-side, these must be implemented natively. See Snapchat’s Install Snap Pixel and App Ads Kit for implementation details.


It may take up to 1-hour for events to appear in the Snapchat Events Manager.

Other events

If you want to send a Snap Event Type that Segment doesn’t have a prebuilt mapping for, you can use the Report Conversion Event action to send the event. For example, if you want to send a START_TRIAL event:

  1. Create a mapping for Report Conversion Event.
  2. Set up your Event Trigger criteria for trial starts.
  3. Input a literal string of “START_TRIAL” as the Event Type.

The Snapchat Conversions API only supports sending Event Types that are in the predefined event_type list. This includes custom events. You must use CUSTOM_EVENT_1, CUSTOM_EVENT_2, CUSTOM_EVENT_3, CUSTOM_EVENT_4, or CUSTOM_EVENT_5 as the Event Type. Events sent with an invalid event type will fail with an Unrecognized event type error.

Single or multiple products or items

It’s possible to send details of either single or multiple products/items in a single conversion event.

  • Single product/item: Use the “Item ID”, “Item Category” and “Brand” fields.
  • Multiple products/items: Use the “Products” field which accepts an array of products / items.

Specifying the total value of a purchase

The “Price” field should be used when specifying the total value of a purchase, and should contain a numeric value only. e.g. 99.5.

Required parameters and hashing

To match visitor events with Snapchat ads, Snap requires that one or a combination of the following parameters are sent to the Conversions API:

  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Mobile Ad Identifier
  • IP Address and User Agent

When possible, Snap also recommends passing other parameters to improve performance. Please see Snapchat’s Marketing API documentation for more details. These parameters can be configured under each Mapping.

In addition, Segment creates a SHA-256 hash of the following fields before sending to Snap:

  • Email
  • Mobile Ad Identifier (IDFA or AAID)
  • Identifier for Vendor (IDFV)
  • Phone Number
  • IP Address

If you hash identifiers upstream before sending to Segment, Segment still hashes that data before sending to Snap. This results in a double hash that won’t be able to be matched on. Please ensure your fields are not hashed prior to sending through the Snapchat Conversions API destination.


The Snap team owns and maintains the Snapchat Conversions API destination.

  • For general Segment questions, including issues with event data not being sent to the Snapchat Events Manager, please contact Segment support.
  • For questions regarding campaign setup and performance, audience targeting, or additional API functionality, please contact your Snap representative.

This page was last modified: 14 Aug 2024

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